Saturday, August 9, 2014

Pinkie Day Video Episode 13

Happy Pinkie Day!

Lots of hustle and bustle this weekend.  We are packing to leave for our trip to NY.  Unfortunately Daddy can't join us as he has to work, but he is home for the weekend.  In the video, you will not see the purple truck!  It broke down yesterday and thankfully, George's roommate was selling his Honda so we snatched it up.  Ah, what memories with the "purple truck", as it is so affectionately named.

George has had that truck since before we were married.  Every time I get in it, I remember being a newlywed in the Extended Stay America in New Jersey.  It is amazing how the sense of smell is such a strong memory trigger!  Either that or there is a pair of rotten, dirty socks in there that we haven't found yet.

Seriously though, we are all attached to that truck and sadly, its days are numbered.

Without further is Daddy's homecoming today!  So exciting that now John can actually say, "Daddy" now.  Have a great weekend with your families!!

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